Sunday, 23 March 2008

Comment my oral presentation*

Well, Now I talk about my orals presentations. When I have do this, I feel very nervous, stressed and I have fear, and the fear is the most worst, because when you feel this, you can talk bad, you can stammer, you can sweat, etc.
So, in my first oral presentation last year, I felt these previous adjectives that I have said, but it has turned out good.
In my second oral presentation last year, I done it with Neus, and we talk about adolescence, it resulted very good.
This year, my oral presentation resulted different. My first, it was better than the second, because I was feeling very nervous and all time I think that I do high school degree, and for this I must do very well.
And finally, my second also was with Neus, and we talk about California State, I like so much this oral presentation, but it was normal, because when I done this, I have got my paper of oral presentation and I read a little bit.
I hope that in my third oral presentation it will be better.

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